Tuesday, June 08, 2010

To oil or not oil, that is the question.

This is still on transformation and saving the planet. I wonder if you have suggestions to help us go Green. Can our growing our own gardens, creating new fuel, maybe, building our own cars really help us? Can we create a public transportation system that is local and national that does not use fossil fuel? Or are we doomed? And if we are doomed is that what 2012 is all about? Were the Mayans more knowledgeable about using up the resources of the world?
The Mayans, according to articles I read, went in cycles and when Spirit spoke or they had this feeling they should stop doing whatever they were doing and just let go. Was that what was meant by the 2012 date?
Give me ideas of recreating the best use of resources for us and the rest of the world. How can we help ourselves?
I don't want off shore drilling. I want off oil and gas. How? Like I said. I've cut way back on their use. I felt led by my Spirit Guides. The Tarot is leading me to find a solution, at least, for me. It is not easy the ideas, the visions I receive. I have much work to do to include myself in an energy force that does not pollute the earth. What are you doing? Or not doing that helps Mother Earth?
Like I said before. We are raising cane about the oil spill. There are not many ways to collect spilled oil. The people who work in oil rigs want the jobs. Need the work. Those of us who heat with fuel oil, gas or coal want to keep warm. And we want to drive our cars. Are we all working to get off fossil fuels or is it a myth that we can. I think we need to shut up about the oil spill unless we have a solution. Because we are still part of the problem. Sherita

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